Circle Time in (my) Montessori Classroom

Ooooh…Circle Time! First, I always sit in a circle - whether its a circular rug or a velcro circle on the carpet - so that is why I call it that! Call it “Line Time” - where you sit on a line, “Gathering”, “Group Time”… whatever - there are so many different ways classrooms run it. 

I have kind of two segments of the year and how I do circle or get children’s attention. In the beginning of the year I pretty much call circle as soon as all the children have arrived. They change their shoes, hang up coats and wash hands and they are free to look around the classroom an choose their work (many times in the beginning of the year I have things laid out for them). I always have a beautiful, interesting music box that I turn on. It HAS to have a wind up and an on/off button so that I can either let it run out or I can turn it off when everyone is settled. That is just a personal preference. 

I do this beginning of the morning circle to ground the children and to practice Grace & Courtesy group lessons - thats the main objective. I am the role model - I turn the music box on, the other teachers in the room help children transition if they need help, and I just wait. When the music box is on and you sit down, voices are off. Then we say “Peace Begins With Me” (if you watch some of my YouTube videos you’ll see it there - I’ve linked it!), sing our morning songs and then I’ll give whatever messages I need to give. In the beginning - G&C. As the days and weeks tick by I may start reading non-fiction books about topics we are studying, give Geography/Botany or Zoology lessons or talk about procedural things in the classroom. I try to keep it to 10 minutes, 15 if I have an unusually attentive group!

As the months go by I incorporate our Sound Deck practice, we learn a poem every month and some children like the opportunity to recite it and of course we sing songs, often with hand movements or puppets (like @bluebirdmontessori’s version of Jennie Jenkins). 

That’s it. If you scroll back in my highlights on instagram there are some finger plays and poems and movement songs that I incorporate but otherwise its just NOT rocket science. I don’t give Practical Life lessons unless its something like Food Prep and I know its going to be SO popular and I won’t have time to give that lesson 25 times in the morning. Reach the masses. 

I’ll also add that our Daily Visual Schedule really comes in handy. Children learn to reference the schedule upon arrival so they know if we are going to have circle first thing or not. 

I will often call another circle at the end of the morning and I’ll read a story book, just in order to gather everyone to transition either to home or to recess. Its the most organized way for me to get the class ready and out the door. 

If your circle is longer than 15 minutes I would urge you to reevaluate. This age group needs to be up and moving and working and chatting and doing. I know some classrooms don’t even incorporate circle - and sure, some days if everyone is focused, I might take it off the schedule! Most days, I do find my crew needs a little focus. Being able to adapt and change when considering the children, is the most important part when considering when to call the class together.

One of my favorite phrases is:

“We are practicing being a good audience. That means we open our eyes, open our ears and close our voice.”

Happy to answer questions in the comments!